Our Story
the origins of our style
Can I eat here? Yes! ... Since 2011 our unique motto 'one table - all full' has pioneered our way to always do our best to provide an innovative and delicious menu that caters for everyone's flavour and dietary requirements.
Gluten free, dairy free, refined or sugar free, vegetarian or your own combination style ... But does it still taste good? uh, yeah!
At Canning River Cafe everyone can sit, eat and enjoy each other's company for breakfast and lunch, seven days a week.

You're not Gluten Free ?
It was a very different story some 15 years ago, when I first began interest to change my diet and look for better options to support my health and vitality. Asking for 'gluten free' was like speaking a foreign language, and now, you'd be hard-pressed to find a cafe that doesn't at least have one option for you.
In 2011 we were bold to take the route less trendy, only to discover we pioneered the way for people to feel comfortable 'eating out' if they didn't want the usual.
Today after many years of hard work, of supporting staff to understand 'gluten free', of getting chefs to understand the importance of cross contamination, and of listening to customers needs. It's been a huge investment.

But, we love it. And whilst now GF is the trendy gig on the street, we still maintain a quality connection with our staff, customers and suppliers because, ultimately, that is the key ingredient to the recipe for great relationships and a great work environment.
For us, we make - simply. loving. food - for people.
If it's not for that - why bother?